I've been looking at a lot of older films lately. Older as in 60's and 70's. Movies like The Graduate, Deliverance, Midnight Express, Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid, Altered States, Bonnie & Clyde. What I've discovered is that once upon a time in this great industry of ours story was key and dialogue was plentiful. Story, I love. Dialogue? Well, it has to be extremely well written, acted, directed for me to be blown away by it. I like beats and long silences that bring out emotion or visual stimulation in film. I'm finding, though, that the 60's and 70's didn't have a whole lot of that. Movies from that era had ridiculous amounts of conversation for a good 2 hours that really made the actor or actress a focal point that seems to be missing in recent movies.
Let's take the movie 'Network' for example. Charles saw it a couple weeks ago and wouldn't stop raving about it. I'd seen it years ago so had a foggy memory of what it was like. 'Network' was streaming on Netflix so I figured I should take advantage of that before it went away. And I'm really glad I did. What a fantastic piece of work! Brilliant acting and one very prophetic and daring screenplay.
Network was 121 minutes of conversation. When there wasn't conversation there was narration. I think the only time there was a beat or pause was during the breakup speech from William Holden to Faye Dunaway. There were 3 profound and unforgettable speeches in this movie and so much hidden meaning blatantly discussed in front of what is considered now to be an impressionable and sensitive film audience. Subjects such as media exploitation, creating story for ratings rather than reporting the truth, sensationalism, corporatism, communism, and fascism were all covered in this movie quite well. The live footage of a militant guerrilla group (who would today be labeled terrorist) sets Faye Dunaway's character, Diana Christensen, on a wild ride as she, the heartless TV programmer who'll stop at nothing to be number 1, comes up with the idea to exploit the leftist groups and individuals by putting them on TV. Her pitch to them is to offer up an audience of millions who will hear their radical message.
They buy. Peter Finch's character, the nutty Howard Beale, buys into it. Laureen Hobbs, (" I'm Laureen Hobbs, a badass commie nigger.") played by Marlene Warfield, buys into it and buys into it hard as she yells her head off at one point realizing that all of the money supposed to go to her guerrilla group is being spread out to different network interests in the form of profit percentages. That speech is one of my three faves. As negotiations are being worked out Laureen Hobbs blows her stack saying not at all what one would expect from such a militant.
Let's take the movie 'Network' for example. Charles saw it a couple weeks ago and wouldn't stop raving about it. I'd seen it years ago so had a foggy memory of what it was like. 'Network' was streaming on Netflix so I figured I should take advantage of that before it went away. And I'm really glad I did. What a fantastic piece of work! Brilliant acting and one very prophetic and daring screenplay.
Network was 121 minutes of conversation. When there wasn't conversation there was narration. I think the only time there was a beat or pause was during the breakup speech from William Holden to Faye Dunaway. There were 3 profound and unforgettable speeches in this movie and so much hidden meaning blatantly discussed in front of what is considered now to be an impressionable and sensitive film audience. Subjects such as media exploitation, creating story for ratings rather than reporting the truth, sensationalism, corporatism, communism, and fascism were all covered in this movie quite well. The live footage of a militant guerrilla group (who would today be labeled terrorist) sets Faye Dunaway's character, Diana Christensen, on a wild ride as she, the heartless TV programmer who'll stop at nothing to be number 1, comes up with the idea to exploit the leftist groups and individuals by putting them on TV. Her pitch to them is to offer up an audience of millions who will hear their radical message.
They buy. Peter Finch's character, the nutty Howard Beale, buys into it. Laureen Hobbs, (" I'm Laureen Hobbs, a badass commie nigger.") played by Marlene Warfield, buys into it and buys into it hard as she yells her head off at one point realizing that all of the money supposed to go to her guerrilla group is being spread out to different network interests in the form of profit percentages. That speech is one of my three faves. As negotiations are being worked out Laureen Hobbs blows her stack saying not at all what one would expect from such a militant.
(a nervous man, to the new
arrivals, now entering)
Where the hell have you been?
(embracing the
Ahmed, sweet, that dodo you sent
for a driver couldn't find this
fucking place.
There is a genial exchange of helloes and waves between
the phalanxes of AGENTS --
Let's get on with this before
they raid this place, and we all
wind up in the joint.
(to FREDDIE now
pulling up a crate)
We're on Schedule A, page seven,
small c small i --
(whisking through her
copy of the contract)
Have we settled that sub-licensing
thing? We want a clear definition
here. Gross proceeds should consist
of all funds the sublicensee receives
not merely the net amount remitted
after payment to sublicensee or
We're not sitting still for over-
head charges as a cost prior to
(whose nerves have
worn thin, explodes:)
Don't fuck with my distribution
costs! I'm getting a lousy two-
fifteen per segment, and I 'm already
deficiting twenty-five grand a week
with Metro. I'm paying William
Morris ten percent off the top!
(indicates the
-- And I'm giving this turkey ten
thou a segment and another five for
this fruitcake --
And, Helen, don't start no shit
with me about a piece again!
I'm paying Metro twenty percent of
all foreign and Canadian distribution,
and that's after recoupment! The
Communist Party's not going to see
a nickel out of this goddam show
until we go into syndication!
Come on, Laureen, you've got the
party in there for seventy-five
hundred a week production expenses.
I'm not giving this pseudo in-
surrectionary sectarian a piece
of my show! I'm not giving him
script approval! And I sure as
shit ain't cutting him in on my
distribution charges I
(screaming in from
the back)
Fuggin fascist! Have you seen the
movies we took at the San Marino
jail break-out demonstrating the
rising up of a seminal prisoner-
class infrastructure!
You can blow the seminal prisoner-
class infrastructure out your ass!
I'm not knocking down my goddam
distribution charges!
The GREAT KHAN decides to offer an opinion by SHOOTING
his PISTOL off into the air. This gives everybody
something to consider, especially WILLIE STEIN who
almost has a heart attack.
Man, give her the fucking over-
head clause.
Then, of course, there is the infamous speech by Peter Finch...
And finally, the daring and frightening honesty that pours forth from the mouth of Jensen...
He leads HOWARD down the steps to the floor level, himself ascends again to the small stage and the podium. HOWARD sits in one of the 200 odd seats. JENSEN pushes a button, and the enormous drapes slowly fall, slicing away layers of light until the vast room is utterly dark. Then, the little pinspots at each of the desks, including the one behind which HOWARD is seated, pop on, creating a miniature Milky Way effect. A shaft of white LIGHT shoots out from the rear of the room, spotting JENSEN on the podium, a sun of its own little galaxy. Behind him, the shadowed white of the lecture screen. JENSEN suddenly wheels to his audience of one and roars out: JENSEN You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, Mr. Beale, and I won't have it, is that clear?! You think you have merely stopped a business deal -- that is not the case! The Arabs have taken billions of dollars out of this country, and now they must put it back. It is ebb and flow, tidal gravity, it is ecological balance! You are an old man who thinks in terms of nations and peoples. There are no nations! There are no peoples! There are no Russians. There are no Arabs! There are no third worlds! There is no West! There is only one holistic system of systems, one vast and immane, interwoven, interacting, multi-variate, multi-national dominion of dollars! petro-dollars, electro-dollars, multi-dollars!, Reichmarks, rubles, rin, pounds and shekels! It is the international system of currency that determines the totality of life on this planet! That is the natural order of things today! That is the atomic, subatomic and galactic structure of things today! And you have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and you will atone! Am I getting through to you, Mr. Beale? (pause) You get up on your little twenty- one inch screen, and howl about America and democracy. There is no America. There is no democracy. There is only IBM and ITT and A T and T and Dupont, Dow, Union Carbide and Exxon. Those are the nations of the world today. What do you think the Russians talk about in their councils of state -- Karl Marx? They pull out their linear programming charts, statistical decision theories and minimax solutions and compute the price-cost probabilities of their transactions and investments just like we do. We no longer live in a world of nations and ideologies, Mr. Beale. The world is a college of corporations, inexorably deter- mined by the immutable by-laws of business. The world is a business, Mr. Beale! It has been since man crawled out of the slime, and our children, Mr. Beale, will live to see that perfect world in which there is no war and famine, oppression and brutality -- one vast and ecumenical holding company, for whom all men will work to serve a common profit, in which all men will hold a share of stock, all necessities provided, all anxieties tranquilized, all boredom amused. And I have chosen you to preach this evangel, Mr. Beale. HOWARD (humble whisper) Why me? JENSEN Because you're on television, dummy. Sixty million people watch you every night of the week, Monday
through Friday.
Everything, I mean everything, dialogue in this movie is mind blowing. Not only are these speeches fantastic but so is the everyday conversation...the producers sitting around having a frank discussion about killing Howard Beale, the confrontation between Schumacher & Hackett, the break up between Diana & Max discussed in terms of 'canceling the show'....Pick any part of this movie and you will find the conversation enthralling.
Today we have movement, action, effects, cheap jokes, simplistic dialogue, and restrictions on everything (couldn't share the video clips for 2 of the 3 speeches above...that's how tight everything has become!). Back then they simply told stories and let the viewers formulate their own opinions. They assumed the audience was smart enough to understand. They allowed freedom of expression, freedom of thought, freedom to create like we haven't seen in quite a while. Writers wrote for actors and actresses not for corporations and formulas.
We may never return to that kind of filmmaking again. We may never be given that freedom to say what we as storytellers want to say in a film again. But we will always have those older movies at our disposal to watch and re-watch as many times as we desire and remember that once there was a time when artists could put the business aside and simply be creative. - TKS